PROVIDER COURSE: 16-hour course is appropriate for EMS practitioners, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse anesthetists, and physicians. Students who successfully complete the course receive a certificate, a card recognizing them as an AMLS provider for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit.
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) is the gold standard of education for emergency medical assessment and treatment. Endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians, AMLS emphasizes the use of the AMLS Assessment Pathway, a systematic tool for assessing and managing common medical conditions with urgent accuracy. In the 4th Edition of AMLS, students learn to recognize and manage common medical crises through realistic case-based scenarios that challenge them to apply their knowledge to highly critical patients. The course emphasizes the use of scene size-up, first impression, history, detailed physical assessment, and interactive group discussion on differential diagnosis and potential treatment strategies to systematically rule out and consider possibilities and probabilities in treating patients’ medical crises.
THIS COURSE COVERS: • Pharmacology • Respiratory disorders • Cardiovascular disorders • Women’s health emergencies • Management of shock • Recognition of sepsis • Stroke and other neurologic disorders • Endocrine/metabolic disorders • Mental health emergencies • Commonly encountered environmental emergencies • Infectious disease • Differential diagnostic criteria for abdominal discomfort • Toxicologic emergencies